Wild stuff Elizabeth--a cross between a koi fish and a Chinese dragon, it seems. I was wondering if you could one day break down your process for us someday--like a little tutoral of how you get an idea, sketch it out, color it, how you get inspired for ideas even.
This is great! It actually reminds me of a Sea-Monkey (which is what I incorporated into my IllustrationFriday toon this week! This is the first time I'm seeing this ... I think our drawings are related again, somehow.)
Nice expression, shapes and color.
Wild stuff Elizabeth--a cross between a koi fish and a Chinese dragon, it seems. I was wondering if you could one day break down your process for us someday--like a little tutoral of how you get an idea, sketch it out, color it, how you get inspired for ideas even.
hehehehe, what steve said is funny.
id say it is pretty much, draw, giggle, draw, giggle, draw, scan. wouldnt you?
This is great! It actually reminds me of a Sea-Monkey (which is what I incorporated into my IllustrationFriday toon this week! This is the first time I'm seeing this ... I think our drawings are related again, somehow.)
me encanta tus monstruitos. mucha suerte
Great art!!!! I like it a lot!!! check out mine, Ill apreciate your comments.
Maybe we should exchange links.
woaw.. this one's nice! Great job.
The awesomeness of the fish has transported me back in time to be a rock 'n' roll skid. Frickin' eh!
Looooove this little fishy. Very elegant little fellow.
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