Yessss! I love it! I never saw two fortune cookies in the same wrapper... that's probably why. Fortune cookie makers don't want fortune cookies to reproduce on their own. By putting one in a wrapper by itself it never gets to reproduce and just gets eaten. But if you put two together, then soon you'll have even more fortune cookies!
So nice! Love it!
Great concept. I like it. A little naughty too!! :-)
:D they are sweet (but not too sweet if you know what I mean) - great idea
nothing like to lil sweet fortune cookies swapping spit as they lick each others fortunes.
nicely done! diggin the linework
is so nice and cute
Yessss! I love it!
I never saw two fortune cookies in the same wrapper... that's probably why.
Fortune cookie makers don't want fortune cookies to reproduce on their own. By putting one in a wrapper by itself it never gets to reproduce and just gets eaten. But if you put two together, then soon you'll have even more fortune cookies!
Pac man and ms. Pac man in love!
This is sooo cool! love it!
Sweet! I so love your style. Excellent piece.
love it! great concept.
lovely fortune cookies!
I'm blushing! Interesting work.
Is that how fortune cookies are made? I love this!
Simply great! You're showing restraint here Eliz! Nice romantic illo :)
I just ate an entire BAG of fortune cookies on a very unfortunate trip back home. Or maybe I WAS fortunate I didnt die. And you didnt die.
I like your drawing.
My belly hurts.
very nice! :)
Very romantic!
nice concept!
Nice message: keep it wrapped.
hear that kids?
yes, kids keep your pb and j wrapped in plastic
That's so adorable! :) Love your linework. »
Shoot, I missed some good stuff. Mr. and ms. Pac man fortunes, and a helpful message for the kids. Sweet.
Oh, I missed this's terrific, too! Love all your work..
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